Company ownership

Geographical split of shareholder base as at September 2023

Major shareholders

Rank Director Holdings as at September 2023 Percentage holding
1 PIC (ZA) 85 243 611 12.66%
2 Remgro Limited (ZA) 51 254 365 7.61%
3 Baillie Gifford & Co Ltd (SC) 50 465 898 7.50%
4 Gore A (ZA)* 48 592 931 7.22%
5 Capital Group Companies Inc 30 875 613 4.59%
6 Swartzberg B (ZA)* 25 781 576 3.83%
7 Royal Bafokeng Holdings (Pty) Ltd (ZA) 23 684 954 3.52%
8 BlackRock Inc 22 007 701 3.27%
9 FMR LLC 21 413 018 3.18%
10 The Vanguard Group Inc 21 259 664 3.15%
Total   380 579 331 56.53%

*Director of Discovery Limited

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