Diabetes awareness can lessen risk

With numbers growing by the day, there are about one million South Africans with diabetes – many walking around with abnormal blood sugar levels without knowing it. There are different types of diabetes, with type 1 and 2 being the main ones and more than 90% of people with diabetes having type 2.

The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin. It generally starts during childhood, although adults are also being diagnosed with it. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body produces insulin but cannot respond to it effectively. The average age for diagnoses is 45, but lifestyle and genetic factors have also placed overweight teens at risk.

Having an increased risk for type 2 diabetes

There are different factors that play a role in developing type 2 diabetes. Here are some of the main factors that increase the risk: 

There is a 40% greater risk if a parent or grandparent has it. In South Africa, the risk among the Indian population is twice that.

Developing it becomes more likely as people age. It affects one in 20 older than 30 and one in five older than 60. So it’s important to continue testing blood glucose levels throughout life.

Wide waist
Tending to carry extra weight around the belly is a great risk factor. For males, the recommended waist circumference is smaller than 102cm and for females smaller than 88cm.

Overweight and obesity highly increases the risk. About 90% of people with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 also have a waist circumference over the recommended size. Of people with type 2 diabetes, more than 85% are overweight or obese.

Lack of exercise
Inactivity is not only risky for the waistline, but can also increase the risk for diabetes. Studies have shown people who exercise more than four hours a week can reduce their risk for type 2 diabetes by more than 50%.

Poor diet
It is incorrect that a high sugar intake leads to diabetes. A high calorie diet from fatty, starchy or sweet foods can all lead to weight gain – the real link to type 2 diabetes.

Smoking can increase the risk by anything from 30% to 60%.The more a person smokes, the higher the risk.

Employees can take action to detect type 2 diabetes early or even prevent it

A healthy portion-controlled diet, regular exercise, quitting or not smoking and a healthy body weight can dramatically reduce your employees’ risk for type 2 diabetes – even if it runs in their families.

So everyone, not only those with a family history, should screen for diabetes at least once a year. Tell employees to have a blood glucose test between 1 November and 30 November – it’s a finger prick test that can be done at a pharmacy in the Vitality Wellness Network or at a doctor. They’ll know their numbers and what action to take. Plus we’ll give all adults older than 18 double Vitality points.

Vitality points that employees can earn for doing a blood glucose test in November

If they have their first blood glucose test for the year between 1 and 30 November 2013 and readings are within the recommended range, they will earn 500 points for the test and 2 500 bonus points. We’ll double all these points to give them up to 6 000 points.   

If they have tested their blood glucose levels before, earned the 500 points for the test, but their readings were not within the recommended range they can test again between 1 and 30 November 2013. If their readings are now within the recommended range, they will earn the 2 500 bonus points and we’ll double them to 5 000.

Only the Vitality points for blood glucose tests done in November 2013 will be doubled. To read the terms and conditions of earning double points for blood glucose tests in November, click here.

The recommended rage: A reading of 7.8 mmol/l or lower (updated from 6.5 mmol/l) to consider if employees ate or drank within two hours before the glucose test.

Employees can have their blood glucose checked as part of a Vitality Health Check

One Vitality Health Check a year is paid from the Screening and Prevention Benefit if your employees have a Discovery Health Plan. They can do a Vitality Health Check which includes a blood pressure test, blood glucose test, cholesterol test and weight assessment at an accredited pharmacy in the Vitality Wellness Network or a Discovery Wellness Day. If they do, their points will be awarded automatically.

If employees have their tests at their doctors, they can send proof to Vitality to earn your double points for their blood glucose tests. Remember, it’s only for tests done in November 2013.

Your employees will earn DOUBLE points for a blood glucose test in November!

November is Diabetes month and we are awarding double Vitality points and double bonus points for blood glucose tests to support early detection and prevention.

Your employees on Vitality who have their first blood glucose check for the year between 1 November and 30 November 2013 at a pharmacy in the Vitality Wellness Network, at a Discovery Wellness Day or at a healthcare professional can earn double Vitality points. When they test and their readings are within recommended ranges, they’ll earn 2 500 bonus points – and we’ll double them too.