Your employees can make packing a healthy lunch fun and rewarding for their family

Vitality understands that modern day pressures often mean that your employees might be too busy to even think about healthy lunch box options for their kids. The solution frequently becomes the quick-and-easy, but unhealthy, pre-packaged meals and snacks from the checkout aisle.

Deliciously healthy lunches for your employees’ children

Your employees can choose from a range of dietitian-approved lunch options on Once your employees have selected their favourite meal suggestion, they can shop for all the ingredients they’ll need online, from the comfort of their home.

Get rewarded with HealthyFood

Not only will planning lunches be that much easier, but they’ll also get rewarded with up to 25% cash back on the lunch box ingredients with HealthyFood. All your employees need to do is activate HealthyFood, choose either Pick n Pay or Woolworths as their main partner, complete all the necessary assessments, and they’ll be well on their way to healthy and easy lunch options for their family.


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