Tips from the Vitality HealthyFood Studio

Do you find prepping food a chore? Learning to pack a nutritious lunchbox is a valuable habit – and it’s simpler than you think! We chatted to the Head of Nutrition Strategy for the Vitality HealthyFood Studio, Candice Smith, for advice on how to put together a healthy meal for work or for school.

Healthy lunchboxes 101 – variety is key

To ensure variety of taste and a balance of nutrients, a lunchbox should ideally contain healthy foods from all the different food groups:

  • Fruit and vegetables: Fresh is best, but canned fruit (in natural juices) or dried fruit without added sugar is alright now and then. However, steer clear of canned vegetables as these are often high in salt.
  • Low-fat or fat-free dairy: Healthy options are plain low-fat or fat-free milk, yoghurt, or cottage cheese.
  • Lean protein: These include skinless chicken, oily fish, eggs, and legumes. Peanut or nut butters (with no added sugar or salt) provide some protein along with healthy fats.
  • Carbohydrates: Opt for brown, high-fibre or whole-wheat versions of bread, crackers, rice or pasta. These provide more fibre, vitamins and minerals, and release energy more slowly.
  • Drinks: To quench thirst, water is always your best choice, so reach for it first and avoid sugar-laden fizzy drinks as much as possible.

Savvy swaps and tips for when you’re short on time

Here are simple ways to include healthy foods into your lunchbox:

  • After a roast, wrap leftover meat (fat removed) in a whole-wheat tortilla or pita pocket with grated carrot, baby spinach, lettuce and avocado.
  • Try a handful of baby carrots, along with canned tuna and salad on a whole-wheat roll.
  • Swap fried chips and crisps for unsalted raw nuts, air-popped popcorn, trail mix or a small handful of dried fruit without added sugar.
  • Veggie sticks and baby tomatoes with guacamole, cottage cheese or hummus make great crunchy snacks with added fibre.
  • Choose plain low fat or fat free yoghurt and add chopped fresh fruit, raw nuts and seeds. Look out for yoghurt that contains probiotics, which are great for gut health.

For more great ideas on creating delicious and nutritious meals, visit the Discovery Vitality HealthyFood Studio. This Sandton-based cooking school is proudly partnered with Woolworths and Prue Leith Chefs Academy, and offers courses to help you make the best choices and meet your family’s nutritional needs.

Check out the website now to learn what courses are on offer. Remember, a healthier diet can start with your next bite!


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