Keep out the winter chills by putting on your sneakers

There are many wonderful things about winter in South Africa – over most of the country the air is crisp rather than cold. Parts of the country are dry and clear, and some spend the winter months in a continuous rainstorm. The bush dies back to reveal all the animals making game viewing spectacular, and some parts stay so mild that taking a dip in the sea is perfectly enjoyable. Whatever weather you prefer in winter, you can find a part of the country to enjoy.

Winter is also a really good excuse to remain snuggled up under the duvet in the mornings, or to curl up under a blanket on the couch in the evening with a bowl of soup instead of working out. Summer bodies are made in winter, and we have some great ways to help you stay fit, healthy and motivated even when the temperatures drop.

  1. Find a cozy spot

    Outside sports can be tough in winter – running and cycling can be harsh on your lungs, throat and nose, not to mention areas of exposed skin. The coldest winter months are the best times to keep fit by strengthening cross training muscles while working out indoors. Take advantage of the Planet Fitness Platinum club in Sandton. Try weight training, jump rope, group exercise classes, or even swimming at the club. Any of these workouts will keep you fit through the cold months ahead.

  2. Ensure that you are best dressed

    If you don’t love the idea of training indoors, be sure to dress for the weather when training outside. Wear long tights or leg warmers, or even long socks to protect your legs from icy winds, coupled with a long sleeved top. Double up on your upper layers by wearing a vest under your top to keep your upper half warm. Depending on how cold it is, you can wear a light jacket which you can tie around your waist when you have warmed up. A training snood, hat and gloves may not be necessary in most of the country but can come in useful if you prefer training outdoors in the earning morning.

  3. Make smart and healthy choices

    The winter months are associated with more colds and flu and while exercising throughout the year will improve your body’s immunity to ward off bugs, it is important to keep an eye on your health. Drink enough water, eat whole, unprocessed foods including lots of vegetables, and get enough sleep. If you do feel a cold coming on, try to do less strenuous exercises instead. Summer bodies are made in winter, so now may also be a good time to perfect your weight loss strategy with the Weight Watchers South Africa winter special treat available for just this reason.

  4. Have fun

    It’s always a good idea to have fun while exercising, but in winter you may need to have a little extra fun. We will be joining the celebrations for World Move for Health day on 10 May so show us how you move on World Move for Health day and join the global campaign to get more people physically active.

  5. Try something new

    If you need some extra motivation to keep moving in winter, why not sign up for a brand new experience. Group exercises classes, especially those that take place outside, can help boost your feeling of wellbeing through the colder months and you’ll more than likely make some new friends! For a great winter workout special, check out Adventure Boot Camp for Women’s winter special to get yourself, or the lady in your life, the gift of winter fitness.

    Remember that whatever you do this winter, do it for your health – keep moving and get a jump start on feeling really good for the coming summer!


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