10 things we'd all rather do with a bit of extra time


With the Vitality HealthyDining benefit, you can now eat healthy and save time all in one go with Uber Eats. Now, what will YOU do with all that free time?

Here are 10 things you can do instead while you wait for your healthy meal to arrive:

  1. Train for the Vitality Run Series
    Why not take your dog, kids or partner for a walk or run? Not only will it boost your fitness levels and reduce your risks of chronic illness, it will also improve your mood and make you happier. While you’re at it, you can train for the upcoming Vitality Run Series happening in Gauteng. Entries open soon.
  2. Explore new places and things
    Take a break from routine by trying new things - for example exploring your neighbourhood, trying out a new coffee shop, taking a different route to work or accepting a new challenge. Keen to try cycling? It's a great way to get your heart pumping and to help you map out uncharted territory. Need a break from the hustle and bustle? Plan a weekend away - and take advantage of our amazing Vitality travel rewards.
  3. Reach your Vitality Active Rewards goals
    We often start the year well, making plans to reach our goals and get more active, but somewhere along the way we lose motivation or get too busy. Spend some extra time in the gym, count your steps, or do a parkrun or myrun. You'll reach your Vitality Active Rewards goals, earn your rewards and feel great about keeping your health promise to yourself.
  4. Meditate or practise mindfulness - or simply take a nap
    Turn off the screens for an hour, do a yoga class, meditate in a quiet spot or take time to observe the world around you. Mental health is an important aspect of our daily lives; meditation and practising mindfulness can help you beat anxiety, enhance self-awareness, improve your attention span, reduce stress, and so much more. Getting sleepy while meditating? That's okay! A daily nap can boost your immune system, improve your memory and physical performance and help you learn new skills.
  5. Catch up on some reading
    Books really do make the world a better place. Reading stimulates our minds, memories and imagination, reduces stress, helps us focus, makes us smarter and gives us the analytical tools to make better decisions. If you don't have time to read, take your book to the gym and read while walking on the treadmill.
  6. Meal prep for the week ahead
    Make a menu for the week and plan what you will eat for breakfast, lunch and supper, as well as when you will cook or order in with Uber Eats. Discovery Vitality dietitian Terry Harris says: "Having to make last-minute food choices often leads to unhealthy ones, and over the years, these everyday bad choices can harm your long-term health. Being organised will save you time, money and that all-too-familiar 'what's for dinner?' fluster, so it's well worth spending some effort at the start to lay the groundwork for healthy eating habits."
  7. Learn something new
    Have you ever said I wish I could learn to... play an instrument, speak another language, or do ballroom dancing? The benefits of learning something new are limitless: you'll be happier and more creative, and you can even rewire your brain to learn how to work better.
  8. Get a hobby
    Making time to play is important for fostering creativity, relaxing and figuring out who we are in the world. Join a book club or a live action role-playing (LARP) group, start an arts-and-crafts project or join your local theatre troupe. Or make music your hobby. Scientists have found that listening to music reduces stress and can help you run faster, sleep better, eat less, feel happier and so much more. Life is about more than work and worries: find a way to express yourself.
  9. Get smart about your money
    Money - how to make it, save it, spend it and grow it - causes a lot of stress for many people. In this Smart Money podcast, international human behaviour specialist Mavis Ureke explains why our relationship with money is often an emotional one. Don't let your finances rule your life; take some time to educate yourself on how to cultivate smart money habits.
  10. Spend quality time with loved ones
    On nights you don't cook, choose to spend quality time with your family or pick up the phone and give an old friend a call. A study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior found that social relationships have a positive impact on health outcomes, including physical health, mental health, health habits and mortality risks.

    We hope you're enjoying our new Vitality HealthyDining benefit!
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