The Vitality Open instant prize winners share their stories


From Apple Watches and iStore vouchers to R10 000 through Discovery Invest – everyone is getting rewarded for being active and driving well in the Vitality Open.

The Vitality Open came to a close on 23 November 2018. This exciting 10-week challenge was an enormous success – giving all South Africans the chance to win big by getting active and driving well.

Don't forget that all Vitality reward points and diamonds expire. Check the rewards section of the Discovery app to see how many reward points or diamonds are expiring each week. There are a wide range of options to spend your reward points on, from smoothies, coffees and charity donations to online shopping vouchers, gifts and gadgets.

Vitality caught up with our instant reward winners who revealed 5 diamonds, iStore vouchers and R10 000 on their gameboards. Here’s what they had to say about their journey to health and wellness:

“This was an absolute treat” – Ndivhuho Tshikosi, Apple Watch winner

Ndivhuho Tshikosi has been a Vitality Active Rewards member since 2016 and achieves her goals by going to the gym and enjoying daily walks. She explains how VAR motivates her to keep active and drive well:

“I usually review my driving score on the driving app after every trip. This has helped me to be more conscious of my driving habits (good and bad). Exercising and eating healthy helps me to remain focused and increase my energy levels to meet the daily demands of my career.”

By reaching her goals, Tshikosi earned a play on her gameboard. The hidden tile revealed an Apple Watch! “I was so shocked because I was just randomly playing the gameboard at the airport waiting for my flight back from vacation. This was an absolute treat to end my vacation. An Apple Watch will serve as an awesome gift for my brother.”

“Shocked and amazed” – Deon de Bruin, Discovery Invest winner

How did Deon de Bruin feel when he picked a tile on his gameboard and revealed an instant prize of R10 000 through Discovery Invest? “Shocked and amazed that this has really happened.”

“I have been a member of the Vitality Active Rewards for the last four years,” he says. “The part that keeps me motivated is to go on to the Discovery app and track the gym visits. That keeps me motivated to achieve a full week of training and keep on pushing myself.” De Bruin achieves his goals by “working out, training at the gym, park runs, being active and being more alert to road conditions while driving”.

“Everyone needs to save some money” – Renesh Singh, Discovery Invest winner

“I was very excited and couldn’t believe what I have won,” says Renesh Singh, winner of a R10 000 instant reward prize from Discovery Invest. Singh earned a play on his gameboard by achieving his goals and picked the right tile at the right time.

He’s been with Vitality Active Rewards for six months and is already earning rewards and living well. “I achieve my goals by attending the gym, doing at least 10 000 step a day and going for regular doctor checkups.”

What motivates him? “The amazing feeling of revealing the block on the game of Vitality Rewards. I enjoy getting all the discounts. The more active you are the more rewards and savings. Everyone needs to save some money in today’s world.”

“Discovery rewards you for doing the right thing” – Ravindra Gond, 5 diamonds winner

Ravindra Gond, a Vitality Active Rewards member for over two years, explains how the programme has helped him get active and drive well:

“From nowhere to running six days a week; from walking 5 km in 55 minutes to doing a half marathon in sub-2h [below two hours] – all this happened in the last two years. I’ve been with Discovery Insure for more than two years, and I’ve still got the same tyres and haven’t needed to change the brake pads. I always tell my friends, Discovery rewards you for doing the right thing.”

Gond hasn’t missed a single goal for the last 78 weeks. His perseverance has earned him numerous plays on his gameboard, revealing five diamonds which he’s saved up for a trip with Sun International.

He says he’s looking forward to “a nice and relaxed time with loved ones, who keep motivating me”.“If we don’t run, medicine will run,” he says. “Special thanks to Discovery and Team Vitality for paying off my running shoes and my Apple Watch. It made a big difference.”

“Upon receiving the fifth diamond it was an amazing feeling” – Michelle Williams, 5 diamonds winner

The Vitality Active Rewards member of four years is an avid runner with a competitive streak. She reached her weekly goals, earned plays on her gameboard and revealed five diamonds – which she saved up for the ultimate prize, a trip to Dubai.

“Upon receiving the fifth diamond it was an amazing feeling,” she says. “The plan is to go in March 2019 after completing the Om Die Dam Marathon. I look forward to receiving my first boarder entry stamp in my passport followed by doing my first international road race there – yes, there are three races that month.”

On how Vitality Active Rewards has changed her life, she says: “I have always been active; however, it has brought out my competitive side of wanting to reach goals before some of my other Vitality friends. I have joined a challenged called the 1000 km Challenge where we strive to achieve a minimum of a thousand kilometres per year in official races.”

How does she reach her goals? “I compete in road races, trail runs, park runs and obstacle races – all the way to 24-hour endurance races. Basically, I enter anything that would count for points, both in the challenge and on Vitality.”

“We are over the moon about this trip” – Alan Ackerman, 5 diamonds winner

Alan and Monique Ackerman joined the Vitality Open in September this year and say it had “made us more aware of how to drive well or to get more active.

“My wife and I compete against each other every day to see who can get more steps or has been driving the best,” Ackerman says. The couple achieve their weekly goals by “walking a lot and driving well” – earning plays on their gameboards and Ackerman revealing one diamond after another.

He collected five diamonds and won a trip to Mauritius with World Leisure Holidays: “At first we did not believe it, until we got all the conformation about the trip. We are over the moon about this trip and it still feels unreal. We are going in December and my wife and son are coming with me to enjoy this unbelievable trip. I look forward to enjoying the sun, beaches and just to explore a new adventure with my family.”

“I’ve never won something this big” – Louw Mulder, 5 diamonds winner

Louw Mulder has been on Diamond Vitality status for over four years, and recently revealed five diamonds on his gameboard. “I will be using the British Airways and Protea Hotel reward, which includes flights and hotel accommodation anywhere in South Africa for two nights,” Mulder says. “My dad and I are off to Cape Town on 8 December for the HSBC Cape Town 7s Tournament. We went two years ago, and had an unbelievable time. I believe the memories the two of us will create there, will be worth much more one day than an overseas trip.”

“Mulder has been with Discovery and Vitality for many years.“I remember when Vitality Active Rewards with the smoothies started, which was a reward on its own, and then Vitality Drive joined the campaign too. So, when the Vitality Open started, it was just hitting the treadmill already running.”

Mulder is committed to living his best life. “I am really not the fittest, slimmest person, with my torso looking far from a hot cross bun, but through God’s mercy I am happy, and live an exciting, successful life,” he says.

“I’ve never won something this big. It felt surreal, especially getting the fifth diamond on the day I turned 40! Now we are holding thumbs for the For Life Prizes draw ...”

“This will be our first overseas trip” – Stacey Joanne Kim Le Keur, 5 diamonds winner

“The day I got my fifth diamond, I was in absolute shock and couldn’t contain my excitement,” says Stacey Le Keur – winner of a trip to Dubai in the Vitality Open. “My husband and I recently got married in September 2018, so we were saving for a second honeymoon to go overseas. This will be our first overseas trip so we are really excited about that. This reward came at the perfect time. We plan on going in March 2019 before summer hits Dubai in April.”

Le Keur shares the story of her journey to health and wellness with Vitality:

“I joined Vitality Active Rewards in July 2018. After joining Vitality, I even took up surfing lessons to stay active. This has been one of the biggest changes in how I stay active and I’m enjoying it so much.”

“Before I joined Vitality, I wasn’t as active because I did not feel motivated at all to get up and exercise. Having a weekly goal set up for me has really changed things for me, as I know that after I meet my goal, I will get rewarded. Once I got into the rhythm of exercising, I just couldn’t stop,” she says.

“I also activated the flight booster after booking flights on Kulula. The thought of getting cash back on flights for just being active is so exciting and motivating. The same goes for living a healthy lifestyle. By buying healthy food, I get points towards my Vitality status which in turn gives me discount on other offers and cash back for eating healthy. I absolutely love the thought of this.”

“I achieve my daily and weekly goals by running at least twice a week or by following a cardio video on YouTube in the comfort of my own home. This helps me achieve my goals as I am deskbound during the day at work and can’t always get in a lot of steps.”

“I can’t believe how lucky I am” – Jenna Urdang, 5 diamonds winner

Jenna Urdang has been a member of Vitality Active Rewards since its inception, and this year during the Vitality Open she revealed five diamonds on her gameboard and won a trip to Dubai.

“I was extremely excited; I can’t believe how lucky I am. It feels great to have won knowing that I have worked for it through achieving my fitness and driving goals,” Urdang says. “I enjoy achieving my Vitality goals. Being rewarded for keeping fit and driving well is an added bonus. I achieve my goals by attending gym, road running and app-based workouts at home.”

Urdang explains how Vitality Active Rewards has improved her life: “It has made me more conscious and intentional about my fitness goals. Once you start measuring a habit you actually start to care about the results and want to improve them. I am more active and healthier today than I would have been without Vitality Active Rewards.”

“I will be going with my husband (Brandon) over my birthday in April 2020,” she says. “I’m looking forward to exploring Dubai, especially the Burj Khalifa and the Dubai beaches. The added benefit of an international holiday is detoxifying from technology and being in the moment.”

“Keeping active and fit is fun” – Siyabonga Dhlamini, Apple Watch winner

“I’ve been participating in the Vitality Open for about nine weeks. It reminds me and motivates me to keep active because I get to set goals and track them.” So says Siyabonga Dhlamini, whose hard work earned him a play on his gameboard and he revealed an instant prize – an Apple Watch!

“Exercise is a hobby of mine and keeping active and fit is fun,” he says. “I go to Virgin Active during the week and on the weekends I do my best to keep up my active step count.”

Dhlamini shares his feelings about his prize: “I felt very confused and excited; I never thought I’d win anything. I intend to use my prize to better track and record my exercise so that I can reach my goals.”

“It was a pleasant surprise” – Alastair Macdonald, Apple Watch winner

Alastair Macdonald joined the Vitality Open a week after the programme launched. “It created an awareness of how I drove and I became more aware of my driving and conforming to the speed limits,” he says of the benefits it has on his life.

How does he achieve his daily and weekly goals? “By focusing on the goal and not procrastinating,” he says. “Health is an asset and I would like to have a great quality of life.”

Macdonald’s commitment to keeping active and driving well earned him a play on his gameboard. He picked the right tile and revealed an Apple Watch. “It was a pleasant surprise. I plan to use it to track my wellness and assist in getting feedback regarding my daily activities.”

“I didn’t quite believe it, but then Discovery phoned” – Natasha De Beer, Apple Watch winner

“I joined the Vitality Open to see how my average daily ‘fitness’ was going,” says Natasha De Beer, who won an Apple Watch after revealing a hidden tile on her gameboard.

She says her family and her work as a chef motivate her to live a healthy lifestyle: “I’m around fresh produce every day so I try to cook healthy and my work environment is quite hot so I drink a lot of water during the day.”

De Beer was elated when she won an instant prize: “I was shocked at first and didn’t quite believe it, but then Discovery phoned and confirmed – that’s when the excitement kicked in for me.”

Thanks a lot to Vitality for keeping us motivated with rewards” - Nolundi Keti, Apple Watch winner

"I've been with Vitality Active Rewards for more than two years now, says Nolundi Keti. "In 2013, I suffered from back pain and my doctor told me that I was overweight. I had to train hard and eat healthy as the weight was a health scare. My friends teamed up with me and we started competing and sharing healthy meals.”

Now, Keti makes sure she achieves her goals each week: “Sometimes I feel like I’m losing my mind if I don’t train. Even when travelling I check the area I’m going to, just to make sure I will be able to be active."

I plan accordingly, I make sure that by Wednesday I achieve my goal so that I don’t miss my rewards. I have become very cautious when driving and I make sure that I am safe with other drivers or passengers in my car.

“Now I am aiming for Diamond status. Thanks a lot to Vitality for keeping us motivated with rewards.”

"I am extremely humbled and grateful” – Corlia Janse van Rensburg, Discovery Invest R10 000 winner

"I’ve been on Vitality Active Rewards since 1 October 2014. It inspired me to be more active (exercising at least three times a week) and make healthier food choices. I signed up for the Apple Watch benefit on 8 September 2017 and since then never looked back."

"It is like having my own personal coach and I enjoy it tremendously. I am a self-motivated person and if anyone throws a goal at me, I’m determined to achieve it."

"As a mum of two beautiful girls (aged five and seven), being employed full-time, and recently completing my part-time studies towards a BCom Degree in Financial Management, it was sometimes really tough to find time to exercise.

I have a treadmill and stationary bike at home and had no excuse not to exercise – even at 22:00 at night when everybody else in the house was fast asleep; or doing a 5 km run on the treadmill after a night out having pizza! I am extremely humbled and grateful for the prize I’ve won – it feels like I am being rewarded for all my dedication to earn my weekly goals!”

“I beamed with happiness the entire day” – Faathima Mahamod Tar, R8 000 iStore voucher winner."

Faathima Mahamod Tar joined Vitality Active Rewards in August this year. Little did she know she’d win so big, so soon: “It was really early in the morning, before my husband could go to work, that I decided to play the gameboard (I usually play it early because I’m always so excited to what I’ll get). When I revealed the watch, I was ecstatic! I ran to my husband and showed it to him and he was thrilled! We just couldn’t believe it was a reality! Afterwards, I beamed with happiness the entire day and couldn’t wait to spend my voucher at the iStore.”

She works hard to achieve her weekly goals: “I spread out my fitness goals for the week, allocating different exercise sessions to each day, and running on the weekend. I also eat healthily during the week, avoiding sugar and carbohydrates. I think what’s very important is to not be still ... fight any laziness and think about yourself and your body. Reaching goals does not come immediately or easily – it takes time, diligence, perseverance and lots of hard work!”

"It is a good early Christmas present" – Huday Naidoo, Apple Watch winner."

Huday Naidoo has been participating in the Vitality Open since its inception. "My gym visits have significantly increased. I also tend to do things like take the stairs or walking a longer distance to achieve my goals."

I am definitely more conscious about how I drive. Being a young driver I tend to drive a bit more recklessly, however the Discovery drive score monitor has made me a more cautious driver."

Naidoo says the "fear of waking up one morning with a dad bod” motivates him to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle.

He achieves his Vitality Active Rewards goals by running, hiking, gym visits and driving well. "I try to incorporate fun activities such as sports and hikes into being active."

"I thought I won R10” – André Dexter Pienaar, Discovery Invest R10 000 winner."

"I have been a member of Vitality Active Rewards for approximately two years now, but I never paid much attention to it until I got the Apple Watch that I wanted to use as a fitness device."

I consider myself a good driver but it wasn’t until I installed the Drive app that I noticed that my cornering and speed could improve. Keeping track of my activity using the Vitality Active Rewards function on the Discovery app gets me motivated to go to the gym and to get active and reach my goals. Without this function you have no real way of keeping track of activities and getting rewarded the way you do by Discovery.”

He couldn’t believe his eyes when he revealed the hidden tile on his gameboard: “At first I thought I won R10 as I did not see the little ‘k’ on the bottom right of the figure 10.

But after I logged back into the app and looked at my rewards I was confused and asked a colleague to confirm if she saw what I saw. Needless to say I was speechless when it was indeed confirmed to be R10 000.”

"I do love measuring stuff” – Andreas Cambitsis, Apple Watch winner."

Andreas Cambitsis has been on Vitality Active Rewards for over four years. “I use it to help me keep track of progress and to help motivate me to do enough exercise.I do love measuring stuff, and it fits well with my personality.

"It provides another impetus to overcome the challenges in staying active. I initially got the Apple Watch through the Vitality benefit not because I needed one (I already had one), but as a further incentive.”

Cambitsis achieves his weekly goals by cycling and swimming, he’s motivated to live a healthy lifestyle:

“To manage stress, the feeling of overall wellbeing, and I believe exercise also makes you more mentality resilient to handle challenging tasks.”

"I am fitter, more flexible and happier" - Madeleine Grobler, Apple Watch winner.

"I am fitter, more flexible and happier" - Madeleine Grobler, Apple Watch winner. "My husband underwent chemotherapy for seven months last year and as a result lost a lot of weight and of course fitness. We wanted to start training together to improve both our fitness and flexibility, but we needed something which would not be too taxing on him at first. I started enquiring about yoga classes for us to join but realised that it would cost less for us to join Vitality and become members of Virgin Active. Joining Virgin Active gave us access to Pilates and yoga classes as well as other activities with the extra bonus of Vitality rewards and other benefits. We now go to gym five times a week. Our new active lifestyle has also motivated our children to exercise and we challenge each other to eat healthy, see who can plank for the longest time and even who will have the best six-pack by December."

"Being more active has also led to us paying more attention to the food we eat and we have improved our healthy food intake. Discovery has me concentrating on my driving and I have not used or even answered my phone while driving. I am fitter, more flexible and happier in general since taking up regular exercise again."

“No-one complains or stresses about me driving anymore” – Rashaad Gamieldien, Apple Watch winner

Rashaad Gamieldien has been participating in the Vitality Open since he found out it was open to all South Africans. He works hard to earn his rewards. “I go to the gym at least five times a week, drive much more conservatively, and encourage friends to do the same.”

"I’ve always been active – I play football probably about three times a week. But having an incentive really drove me to the gym every day and pushed me further than I knew I could go. Recently, I’ve seen a great improvement in my overall game because of increased fitness levels. And for driving, well let’s just say no-one complains or stresses about me driving anymore."

Gamieldien explains how his life has improved: “Ever since I started exercising and eating healthier, and the results I’ve seen come along with it, I’ve seen a change in myself.

mood has improved, I’m looking and feeling better, and I’m carrying around with me a confidence I’ve never had before. On top of it all, knowing that I get rewarded every time I meet my goals pushes me to the gym on days when I’m ‘too tired’. The Apple Watch was a great reward but I’m not done yet, I’ve got two diamonds and I’m aiming to get five so that I can get those flight tickets to Dubai. That would make for a great holiday at the end of the year."

"It’s the first time I’ve been rewarded for anything" – Charmaine Ncanana, Apple Watch winner.

When asked what motivates her to live a healthy lifestyle, Charmaine Ncanana says:

"The fact that someone, in this case Vitality, recognises my efforts." The Apple Watch instant prize winner describes her VAR journey: "At first I was motivated to do good so I can get rewarded. As time went on, it helped me develop good driving habits and to keep active. I keep as active as possible and drive as well as I can."

Her hard work paid off, and her play on the gameboard revealed an Apple Watch. "At first I thought it was a joke but as the Vitality consultants called me I realised it was real. I was elated to say the least. It’s the first time I’ve been rewarded for anything."

"Self-worth and self-respect is key" – Melissa Mentz, Apple Watch winner

Melissa Mentz has been on VAR since 2015. She says that being active and healthy is a big part of her life. “It gives you energy and extra motivation to take on any life challenges.

Just knowing you are trying to make a change and being healthy. Other than getting all my steps in during a normal work day, I try to visit the gym as often as I can

"Driving well is something I think everyone should focus on, not just because they can win prizes but for themselves and other road users – keeping myself and those around me safe on the roads." "When exercising and eating healthy, I just focus on myself and my own health. If I am healthy and motivate one other person or family member, I feel better.

Exercising and being healthy is a choice you as a person have to make for yourself, not for anyone else. Self-worth and self-respect is key."

"It was amazing" – Lewellyn Duncan, Discovery Invest R10 000 winner

Lewellyn Duncan has been on VAR for over a year. She says she achieves her goals through "hard work" – and recently she won R10 000 through Discovery Invest when she revealed a hidden tile on the gameboard.

"The points make me push myself harder,” she says, and the endorphin release helps keep her motivated to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle. On how it felt when she revealed the instant prize on the gameboard, Duncan says: "It was amazing."

"This was an absolute treat" – Ndivhuho Tshikosi, Apple Watch winner

Ndivhuho Tshikosi has been a Vitality Active Rewards member since 2016 and achieves her goals by going to the gym and enjoying daily walks. She explains how VAR motivates her to keep active and drive well:

"I usually review my driving score on the driving app after every trip. This has helped me to be more conscious of my driving habits (good and bad). Exercising and eating healthy helps me to remain focused and increase my energy levels to meet the daily demands of my career."

By reaching her goals, Tshikosi earned a play on her gameboard. The hidden tile revealed an Apple Watch! "I was so shocked because I was just randomly playing the gameboard at the airport waiting for my flight back from vacation. This was an absolute treat to end my vacation. An Apple Watch will serve as an awesome gift for my brother."

"I joined the Vitality Open to see how my average daily ‘fitness’ was going,” says Natasha De Beer, who won an Apple Watch after revealing a hidden tile on her gameboard.

She says her family and her work as a chef motivate her to live a healthy lifestyle: "I’m around fresh produce every day so I try to cook healthy and my work environment is quite hot so I drink a lot of water during the day."

De Beer was elated when she won an instant prize: "I was shocked at first and didn’t quite believe it, but then Discovery phoned and confirmed – that’s when the excitement kicked in for me."



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