Discovery’s revised sustainable
development framework

Driven by Discovery’s purpose

Discovery’s revised sustainable development framework addresses multi-horizon issues (across the short, medium and long term) and takes a systemic view on risk and opportunity. It supports our intent to continue transforming the financial and insurance services sector through shared value.

We will be advancing our sustainable development data and targets over time according to the revised framework. This will drive reporting that moves away from a more qualitative narrative to a quantifiable set of metrics that allows for comparison over time, and consequently updating and enhancing the strategies and processes that drive social value across the Group.

The Sustainable Development team is also in the process of integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into the revised framework to ensure deep alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals over time.

Discovery’s sustainable development framework

Our core purpose at the
heart of our business:

To make people healthier and enhance and protect their lives

4 lifestyle behaviours and 4 chronic conditions contribute to 60% of deaths worldwide

A clear and entrenched social ambition:
To be a powerful force for social good

INNOVATION: Our innovations are a force for good
Incentivise positive change

Incentivise member choices that make a big difference

Detail in the section:
Incentivise positive change

Partner to amplify impact

Inspire and support shared value innovation across our partner network

Detail in the section:
Partner to amplify impact

Transform lives and livelihoods

Facilitate access and incentivise action for social good

Detail in the section:
Transforming lives and livelihoods

Linked to our values:

• Innovation and optimism • Tenacity, urgency and drive • Dazzle clients

TRUST: Our actions build trust
Do no harm

Align our activities with the earth’s operating conditions

Detail in the section:
Environmental stewardship

Protect virtual lives

Build in the rights and securities demanded by a digital world

Detail in the section:
Information stewardship

Build trust

Uphold our ethics and push ourselves on transparency

Detail in the sections:
Governance and sustainability
Building a highly ethical culture

Linked to our values:

• Integrity, honesty and fairness • Business astuteness and prudence • Intellectual leadership

PEOPLE: Our people make it possible
Value diversity

Ensure diversity and inclusion is part of who we are

Detail in the section:
Enhancing systems that support diversity and inclusion

Live our purpose

Hone our culture for adaptivity, speed and humanness

Detail in the sections:
Building a highly ethical culture
Skills development and a culture of learning

Be well

Ensure every employee strives for health and happiness

Detail in the section:
Embedding health and wellness into our place of work

Linked to our values:

• Integrity, honesty and fairness • Business astuteness and prudence • Intellectual leadership

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