Our material matters

Matters that could affect our ability to create value in the short, medium and long term

The following material matters have informed the content to be included across Discovery’s suite of annual reports, including this Sustainable Development Report, the Integrated Annual Report and the Governance Report.

Reports covering these themes and links

The materiality determination process included a review of global research, peer reports and other external information (including media reports), and internal resources including stakeholder reports, board packs, risk registers and strategy plans, followed by interviews with key internal stakeholders. All matters that could impact Discovery’s ability to deliver on its core purpose were identified. To prioritise matters, we considered their actual or potential effect on value creation and evaluated the magnitude of the effect along with the probability and likelihood of occurrence. The prioritised matters were then analysed and validated by the Group Executive Committee and the Board.

For a full listing of material matters and their links to risks and opportunities, see the 2020 Integrated Annual Report.

For detail on innovation in products and services in 2020, see Innovation in businesses, products and services.

For further detail on where the Group operates, the Group structure and its environment, risks and opportunities, see the 2020 Integrated Annual Report

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